Review: Essie Gel Couture Pinned Up & top coat

Finally, Essie comes out with their version of the “gel” nail polish. I typically reject gel polishes that do not require UV lamps. I’ve paid close interest to evaluations on the recent slew of “gel” polish releases that tout: incredible shine! Hladký povrch! Dlouhé na sobě! Ultimately, they turn out to not to be any different than regular nail polishes. except they’re much more costly – I phone call that a money grab! I started to pay interest when Essie’s new Gel Couture collection was making the rounds on the internet and, one after one, the evaluations were coming in with raves about exactly how long using it was. Essie is one of my preferred polish brands, so I just had to try it for myself!

After much deliberation, I arrived at #60 “Pinned Up” as my test subject.  I set out to wear this for 2 weeks.

Essie Gel Couture features:
• as much as 14 days of extravagant wear
• immediate gel-like shine. no UV lamp needed
• curve-hugging clean for ideal color coverage
• offered in 42 nail polish shades

The very first thing about this polish is the twisted bottle style – it’s unique as well as I really discovered it practical – the shape assists with holding the bottle as well as twisting off the cap. as well as the polishes do nest neatly into each other:

Essie phone calls “Pinned Up” a “spicy tea rose”, which does catch the essence of the colour.

It had soft increased undertone, however in some lights, it warms up with a peachy tan tint.

Here’s what it appears like with one coat:

Very smooth however somewhat sheer – here’s the second coat:

Application was a breeze since the formula is self-leveling, so no streaks or bald spots. I dinged my sound finger on the second coat while it was still wet as well as made a dent (completely my own fault) – I rapidly smoothed over it with a thin layer of polish as well as the dent disappeared like it never happened! The surface is rather shiny on its own even without the top coat.

And here’s what it appears like with the top coat:

I was rather concerned about the dry time of the top coat. I’m dedicated to my quick drying top coats, particularly Poshe, which enables me to utilize my hands just 10 minutes after my manicure. I was extremely shocked to see that this Gel Couture top coat is extremely quick drying as well, roughly after 15 minutes, I was positive sufficient to go do some laundry.

The clean is likewise noteworthy, it is rather wide, which makes it quicker to cover the whole nail bed. But, in some cases it’s frustrating since I can’t be as accurate as well as it just barely fits my pinkie nail:

(sorry for exactly how dark as well as out of focus this shot is, you have no concept the contortions needed to get this shot)

The stem of the clean features a twist design, which is implied to manage the flow of polish down to the brush:

I truly didn’t notice much of a difference, to be honest. as well as I noted that the twist stem style was only on the nail polish brush, not the top coat.

I dutifully used this polish for 2 full weeks to test out its insurance claim of “up to 14 days” (oh we understand your tricks, advertising people – “up to” might imply it might chip on day 2!)

This is day 3:

I ought to note that I was additional cautious in my application – I made sure I wrapped both the polish as well as the top coat around the suggestions of each nail to produce a much better seal at the ends.

Day 7:

I did not reapply the top coat whatsoever during the 2 weeks. I understand some top coats recommend to do that, however I phone call that cheating. To preserve the manicure, I suggest cleaning the regrowth space that’s starting to show, as well as likewise utilize a cuticle cleaner to keep them neat. And, it’s essential to keep the cuticles well moisturized with a great cuticle cream / oil, I like the portable one by Nicole by OPI called Oil to Go:

And the moment of truth, Day 14:

Tip wear as well as regrowth space at the base, that’s it. No actual chip on the nails! The surface has dulled slightly, however the manicure still looks passable (I was concerned that I’d have to walk around with horribly chipped polish when I begin this trial, say thanks to goodness I didn’t!) I’d envision though, if you selected one of the darker shades like a red or a vampy creme, the suggestion wear as well as regrowth would be rather pronounced. as well as the above is a macro picture which is rather unforgiving, if you see the manicure in a routine shot or in genuine life, the regrowth as well as suggestion wear isn’t as apparent.

I’m curious whether the Gel Couture top coat would prolong the wear of routine polishes, or if it was the combination of the 2 that result in the long wear time. I should state though, the polish on its own was a exceptional formula – extremely simple to work with as well as offered a plush gel-like finish.  For this trial, I utilized my typical Orly Nailtrition as well as Orly BonderJako Base – Essie Gel Couture System nenabízí odpovídající základní nátěr. Odstranění není žádný typ různých než typických polishes, žádný požadavek je naskočit nebo využít plechovku! Chápu, že pro svou příští dovolenou, budu využít Essie Gel Couture spíše než jít do kosmetického salonu pro UV gelu polštiny, jako jsem využit! Což se obrátí na otázku, proč nejsou všechny polštáře, jako je tento vzorec jde kupředu?!

V Kanadě, Essie Gel Couture Polishes stejně jako top kabát maloobchod pro C $ 14.99 každý. Tyto twisty láhve drží 13,5 ml produktu, který je přesně stejný jako rutinní Essides (ty maloobchodní pro C $ 11.99).

• dlouhá nošení
• samonivelační vzorec
• Žádné čipy ani po 14 dni nošení
• lesklý povrch
• Není nutná žádná UV lampa
• není stinky

• mnohem dražší

Stash hodnota: 10/10

$ 3 Premium zaplatit za gel couture za mnou. Zakoupil jsem důl na prodej za 11,99 dolarů. V budoucnu budu mít mnohem více barev!

Mělo bych se rovněž řešit špičkovou kabát Essie Gel-Setter, který byl vydán loni (výše), který jsem přezkoumal. Nechápu, proč Essie dokonce obtěžovala uvolnit, že pokud byl gel Couture již ve vývoji. Vyhněte se, stejně jako dostat gel couture top kabát místo!

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