Make-up a odvolací blog pondělí hlasování, sv. 674

stay strong, my friend. You’ve got this!

Takže … Jaký je pondělní průzkum?

Výborná otázka! Není to na rozdíl od jeho jména, skutečný průzkum, jako s malými tlačítky. Je to jen seznam pěti mnohem více nebo méně náhodných otázek, které jsem vysílal na tomto blogu každý pondělí ráno pro minulé kvadrijní roky (od roku 2007). Miluji čtení vašich odpovědí, a pomáhá mi dostat svůj týden na dobrý start. ?

1. Soup, salad or a sandwich?

A charming salad for lunch today would be great! If a mysterious lunch benefactor were to hook this lady up with a Tostada salad from Blue Barn, I’d be a lot of grateful. I sure do love those things, but I do not love them being $20.

2. A sound you often hear in your neighborhood?

“BRGL! BRGL! BRGL” dozens of substantial wild turkeys roam our neighborhood, and I hear them gobbling outside all day long. They’re so loud!


3. A piece of makeup you like?

I always end up going back to Clinique’s pretty easy liner felt idea liquid liner. It really is the easiest black liquid liner to use.

4. Banana or grapefruit?

Grapefruit, but only if it’s juicy and cold (no room temperature grapefruit for this gal).

5. Cotton or silk?

Cotton, considering that my life is too messy ideal now for silk.


Kočky a make-up mikina?

$ 42.

Nakupuj teď

6. one of your hobbies?

Baking, although I haven’t had any grand ambitions to make anything too complicated over the last six months. I take pleasure in cookies and bars and that’s about it. but I think I’ll eventually get back to the place where doing a three-layer cake and frosting from scratch will feel good again… maybe once life feels completely consistent and even again. Snad brzy.

7. makeup setting spray or clear brow gel?

Clear brow gel, no question!

8. would you rather have professional help with your hair, your skin or your makeup?

I’ll happily accept help in all three categories, please. HA HA HA!

9. Hair mask or face mask?

A rich hair mask would be lovely!

Váš přátelský sousedství odvolání závislý,



P.S. Zde jsou otázky pro kopírování / vložení s odpověďmi v komentáři. Brzy promluvte.

1. Soup, salad or a sandwich?
2. A sound you often hear in your neighborhood?
3. A piece of makeup you like?
4. Banana or grapefruit?
5. Cotton or silk?
6. one of your hobbies?
7. makeup setting spray or clear brow gel?
8. would you rather have professional help with your hair, your skin or your makeup?
9. Hair mask or face mask?

P.p.S. Hello, sweet friend. Today will be is a good day, and, FYI, you’re cherished and you’re loved! Please take some time to celebrate your accomplishments this week, OK? even the ones that seem teeny-tiny, because whenever you accomplish something it’s a big deal. UDĚLAL JSI TO. ?

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